Friday, March 23, 2007

Not sure you wanted this either...

Okay, so at work it was a little slow and I had an extra piece of art board in my drawer and I thought, "it might be nice to do a drawing of my friend's character's familiar" (this is the one I play D&D with, whose character is a magic person of some sort who has a pet cat who shares her...erm...*his* mind...type thing)...I think that's it. Anyway, here it is, with extra word bubble, added using the magic of an illustrationing programme.

Have a marvelous day filled with splendid griddle-cakes. And possibly some syrup. And berries.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I'm makin' a new post alright already!

It's been a nearly a month (oy) since I've made a post, so here I am to show I'm still alive, though I fear this post may not be what you're looking for. This is a mini-comic I promised a friend of mine I'd do as a reminder to bring this ultra-cool K-9 figure in. Ah, my life is one more step toward being complete. Enjoy! -Dave