Sunday, August 22, 2010

Last minute emergency post...

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The unnamed...

Heya', everyone. So, I'm sick. I've been distracted by this and today Mike reminded me to keep workin' on my test inks. "Why would I do that?", I thought, "I've already finished 'em? Huh, that' Mike's a weird one." Needless to say, it was me who was out to lunch on a mix of various cold-suppressing items. 'Kay, by variety I mean two.

Anyway, on to the comic.

I don't know what to call this comic. In its original form it was called "Metaphor", which eventually turned into "The Island" over a four year period of fine-tuning. I liked the title "The Island". Turns out some people made this movie by the same name. Whatev. Jerks, taking a perfectly good name and...stuff. My next move was to change the title to "An Island". Sooooo, here I am, with my newest plan for a name: Let the readers decide. :D I'm going to be leaving the naming of this comic up to you, the readers. I'll keep posting pages and at the release of the 5-6 page splash (four weeks hence) I'll ask you to submit your suggestions. If they're silly, that's fine. Just so long as you're submitting, that's great.

Alrighty, here we go with the first page of "The Unnamed"...

Monday, February 23, 2009

New weekly comic...

Heya', folks. Once more, I've got a promise. I've got a new comic coming out called "The Island" or possibly "The Island Metaphor" or something else if anyone's got a cooler name (hard to imagine, I know) and it'll be a weekly. This is the rebirth of that project from, like, six months ago. I've now got a regular place in my life that allows and encourages this weekly event. :) I'm very happy about that. Talk to y'all soon.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

So, after ages of not posting, I'm now on a roll of...roll? role? Meh, anyway, I've been drawing more and more lately and I've got some stuff worth posting and that'll get posted this weekend. Things have been...interesting lately. Kinda'...meh, I don't know. Opportunities are sorta' popping up and I'm trying to not get hopeful about them and just keeping my head down at the drawing table and getting the next thing done.
Talk to y'all this weekend with some fancy, fancy posts.
Much care,

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Makin' some decisions...

Heya', folks. 'Kay, after lots of deciding and hemming and hawing, a zine will be coming soon. That's pretty much what I've been working on for the last forever. Thing is, after, like, two months of trying to tweak this and change that, I handed the story over to a writer and he got it all done in just a few days. Guh. What's more is that he got all this great stuff done with a manner of naturalness that took my by surprise. I thought there'd be more thinkin' going on, but I guess if a brain's made for something, it's made for that something. I suppose it's possible that my drawing goggles some people. Anyway, I'll be posting it on Drunk Duck, but I'll post a link here, in case anyone wants to check it out. I'll be posting in five page bundles, with the exception of the fourth instalment in each issue, which will be seven pages. I'd start looking here in one week. That's about it for now, folks. Talk to y'all soon. -Dave :)

Monday, March 03, 2008

Learnin' a lesson from Mike...

I've learned that it's just because something has been abandoned doesn't mean it can't be taken back up at a later time.

Life, now, has me going in another direction, still art related, but storyboarding rather than fine art. Hmm...does "fine art" mean, like...finely rendered stuff like painting, pencil renderings and sculpting? *Can* it be applied to something else? I have no idea. Maybe it's wiki wiki time.

Anyhow, here's a couple drawings I've done lately and I intend to push myself to update at least once a week now. Even if I have some fancy, fancy jazz to put up, I'm going to wait, for a month or so at least, until the next Monday comes along.

The first piece is a Wolverine pictured someone had me do. You should see this guy. He's from France and loved Canada so much he moved here. He also loves Wolverine. Guess what his hair loooks like. Neat guy, though, and I was happy to get this picture done for him. He was super appreciative, too. That's always nice to hear. I have no idea what the second piece I'm going to post is so I can't tell you anything about it for now. ;)

Talk to y'all in a week.


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Forgot the lightning 'bot...

Oops. :)

Some scans! :D

Heya', everybody!

Well, I finally figured out what was wrong with my scanner; it was plugged into the wrong USB port. I have no idea how it got to be this way as I tend to shy away from moving things around on my computer, at least insofar as the hardware goes. I figure, if it's working, I have no business trying to change its mind as to how to do things.

I've scanned a few things that are works in progress, a final for a friend of mine and a rough for a t-shirt for a team of walkers in the upcoming Ottawa Walk for AIDS. Mr. Mike, if you could let me know what you think, that'd be great and I'll make changes or go right to inking, once the likenesses have been finalised in pencil.

The Stargirl pic was something that someone had commissioned from City of Heroes but once I had reminded them that you aren't allowed to reproduce copywritten characters on the game service I heard no more from the initially interested part. I'm going to finish it up by adding the rest of her legs where previously her logo was to appear and I'm going to try and her dad in the robot suit behind. He's a big lad and won't fit in the frame, but I think that sort of makes for a good background. Plus, I could use some practice doing metal skins. Or just metal in general. The shiny, reflective kind.

The girl in the shortiest-shorts was just me trying to draw something female and human. I'm still not entirely pleased with the consistency of my work drawing women but I'm making progress. :)

The lightning-watching robot is something that I thought of after having watched a thunder storm. The thing is, one of the guys who comes in semi-regularily asked, "Is he wondering about his origin?" Damn, I wish I'd thought of that. Oh well. To me it was just a neat image that I wanted to put down on paper. It has taught me that broad expanses of darkness are a pain in the posterior.

That's about it for now, folks. I'll have more updates soon.

-Dave (a.k.a. - Superbad)