Monday, October 30, 2006

One week later...

I really haven't been as good about posting as I had hoped to be. But, here I am! And I've got some new stuff to post, as well, which is good as that really is the whole point of all this. What I'll be posting tonight is the beginning of the final for a character named "Dorian". I know he has a last name but for the life of me I can't remember what it is. Y'see, I'm very supportive of the notion of giving characters names that remember. I mean, I have a hard enough time with regular, everyday names without getting into otherworldly combinations of of syllables and titles involving more names than I have fingers and toes. Take my character for example; Polly Goodbarrel. Simple 'nuff, right?
Anyway, this is starting to turn into a whinefest, so I'll get back to the posting of things.
Yeah, so there's a great deal of fire in this drawing and you'd think that after my last trouble with the extended source of light that I'd have learned my lesson. Turns out I'm a glutton for punishment.
As well, while I let me mind rest from the ordeal that is "Dorian Nuking the Dragon" I will be working on an old drawing of Polly sprouting wings which, also, has a whole bunch of fire. If I'm not comfortable with drawing fire after these two pics are done, I believe I shall stick to watery things. No more ideas involving fire will be accepted here. :)
I shall away, now, to...possibly sleep or somesuch.
Much care to you all.


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