Saturday, October 21, 2006

First entry

After much encouragement from a friend I have decided to finally post a blog that shows not only the various works in progress but my success with the developing portfolio as well as my state of mind.
This means a few things, I guess; I'm going to have to be open about my thoughts, which isn't usually a problem, it's just that the stage is much larger than I'm used to. It also means I'm opening myself up to criticism in so far as my artwork goes. My decision here is that I'm taking all the criticism as...not a challenge but people trying to help me out. Possibly.
Y'see, there's the rub: Not everyone is nice about letting you know you've made a mistake. Well, I guess I'll have to figure out some way of dealing with stuff like that, starting with getting over myself.
I will be posting scans of my artwork at least once a week though it will likely end up being more often as I'm trying to get an entire pencil rendering done every six days with one day off to play games and generally mellow out.
I'm not sure how often I'll post a comment, though. I've read through a few and what I'm worried about is that this will degrade into me complaining, which...well, I can get that anywhere. This blog will be about my development and any kinds of new tricks I've learned or discovered either by chance or through reading stuff.
I guess that's it for today. Talk to y'all soon.


At 10:18 AM, Blogger Darrell said...

Finally! :) First set of images look great. I like how that last one came out.


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